Saturday, September 26, 2009


Drive the WBC out of Brooklyn!
(Well, not literally)

They are protesting Sunday, at St. Patrick's Cathedral from 8:30 to 9:00am. Then, they appear to be driving back to Kansas (Yay!) so they can protest a Jewish center Monday morning.

It's exactly 1,236 miles from St. Patrick's in New York, NY to K.U. Hillel in Lawrence, Kansas.

For every mile these bigots drive from our lovely city back to Kansas
you can pledge 1 cent, 2 cents, 3 cents (whatever you want) to
Anti-Defamation League or
Southern Poverty Law Center

And we're having a party to celebrate!
All day Sunday!

Come on by to give cash or checks. I'll add them up and let everyone know the total the next day. Then I'll mail checks to the ADL and SPLC.

Click here to see their dastardly retreat.

Love, Peace, and Happiness!

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