Saturday, September 5, 2009

Keepin' the English language alive.

Today, I became a proud parent. My child is the word "myriander". Being that the most important parental duty is keeping a child alive, I have promised to use myriander as frequently as possible. This blog post is my first time using this word, so I hope you don't mind an arbitrary sentence:

As William Wallace watched the hills, a myriander of soldiers came through the morning mist and attacked his men.

Myriander means "ten thousand men" and for some reason, when I opted to use this word, images from "Braveheart" wafted into my brain.

The people responsible for convincing me to save a word that's going out of use (not that it took much convincing, my immediate thought was "cool!") are the folks over at the Oxford English Dictionary. This was the first comprehensive dictionary ever created; they've been keeping obscure words around for hundreds of years.

Myriander obviously needs saving. Not only do the red squiggly lines appear every time I type it here, but it doesn't even show up on So, I will be bringing her back to life. Won't you help? After all, it takes a village.

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