Friday, July 24, 2009

How the heck is Holly? (the second Holly update)

I've got some bad news to write which is why I've put it off for a few days.

On Wednesday, the vet called me. Holly's numbers (i.e. the level of toxicity in her blood) had gone up, back to where they were when I first brought her in.

Since then, I've made a renewed effort to get her to eat so that when she gets the test again on Tuesday, the numbers will have gone down a little.

I'm thinking about bringing her to a different vet, trying cat acupuncture (which is actually supposed to help), and trying holistic medicines. She's only 3 1/2, this can't be the end.

Also, I want to thank everyone again for their support, financial and emotional. Since last Tuesday night, a week and a half ago, when we found out she was sick, we have raised $431.50. This is incredibly helpful; to be honest, it will help me pay the rent at the end of the month. I've been absolutely stunned by how many people ask about Holly's well-being, who say they think about her and pray for her.

I will ask the vet if he thinks it's wise for her to come back to work. I think the attention and love might do her good. And I miss her during the day.

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