Saturday, July 25, 2009

On a lighter note!

"I went to a bookstore and asked the saleswoman,
'Where's the self-help section?' She said if she told me,
it would defeat the purpose.

-George Carlin

Friday, July 24, 2009

How the heck is Holly? (the second Holly update)

I've got some bad news to write which is why I've put it off for a few days.

On Wednesday, the vet called me. Holly's numbers (i.e. the level of toxicity in her blood) had gone up, back to where they were when I first brought her in.

Since then, I've made a renewed effort to get her to eat so that when she gets the test again on Tuesday, the numbers will have gone down a little.

I'm thinking about bringing her to a different vet, trying cat acupuncture (which is actually supposed to help), and trying holistic medicines. She's only 3 1/2, this can't be the end.

Also, I want to thank everyone again for their support, financial and emotional. Since last Tuesday night, a week and a half ago, when we found out she was sick, we have raised $431.50. This is incredibly helpful; to be honest, it will help me pay the rent at the end of the month. I've been absolutely stunned by how many people ask about Holly's well-being, who say they think about her and pray for her.

I will ask the vet if he thinks it's wise for her to come back to work. I think the attention and love might do her good. And I miss her during the day.

Saturday, July 18, 2009

A bright, shining idea

Amaya, the elementary school aged daughter of a customer, Eduardo, just came into the store to announce that she will be selling her original artwork to benefit Holly.

This art sale will happen in the next few weeks, she informed me.

I am overwhelmed with the thoughtfulness of everyone.

Friday, July 17, 2009

Holly Update - the crazy cat's home!

She's doing slightly better. Amy & I have to give her fluid from an IV twice a day and pills and try to get her to eat. Needless to say, it's not the easiest thing in the world but the fact that she's out of the hospital and at home lying in the sun makes me happy.

The goal is now to get enough fluids in her that she wants to eat. She drank a bit of water this morning. When she's drinking water and eating, then no more IV! I will have to keep her on a low-protein, kidney-friendly diet. But she'll be fine.

Thanks for the well-wishes and prayers, everyone! It's good to know Holly's got so many people thinking about her.

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Holly Needs Your Help!

Holly, everyone’s favorite bookstore employee, has just been diagnosed with kidney disease.

We will do everything we can for her, but the treatment is going to be expensive.

We don't expect you to donate but if you want to, we appreciate it.

Every penny helps!

Thank you in advance. We will keep you updated on her condition.